February 2
Feast of Ypapanti of Christ
The patron saint of Kalamata is celebrated with great glory on February 2, in the Cathedral of the same name. Thousands of pilgrims are there to watch the procession of the holy icon through the city’s main routes.
February 2
Carnival festivities
Carnival festivities in Kalamata and the vicinity include the traditional gaitanaki (maypole) folkdance, fires, balloon flying, music, dance and offering of local traditional delicacies.
Carnival of Kalamata
Special and colorful festivities with traditional features. They start at the beginning of the Pre-Lent period and end on the Sunday of Forgiveness, with a fantastic parade.
Clean Monday
Carnival of Nedousa
It takes place every Clean Monday (Monday of Lent). The participants are dressed as goats, and wear pastoral bells. They visit houses and collecttreats. At noon, a revival of the man’s circle of lifetakes place on the square: ploughing and sowing,the harvest, marriage, death, resurrection.
March 23
Reenactment of the Liberation of Kalamata from the Ottoman rule
Celebrations and festivities that take place on 23 Martiou Square and at the Holy Apostles church on 23 March, the day that the 1821 War of Independence started and the city was liberated. A special moment is when the reenactment of the re-occupation of the city by the Greeks is performed, together with a reading of the “Warning to the European courts” which was drawn up by the Messinian Senate.
March 23
Lazarus Saturday
Religious Music Choir Festival
This is an evening of religious music performances that take place in the Church of Holy Taxiarches on Lazarus Saturday. It is part of the religious happenings of the Holy Week and Easter Sunday.
From Good Friday through to Easter Sunday
The Epitaphios is paraded on Good Friday. The Epitaphios of the Cathedral of Ypapanti is accompanied by the Municipal Marching Band of Kalamata. The Anastasi (Resurrection) is celebrated with great glory in all churches, especially in Ypapanti. On Easter Sunday, the Agape (Love) Vesper is performed, during which the Gospel isread in many languages.
Easter Sunday
A distinst local custom that takes place in the city’s Historic Center every Easter Sunday. The participants – often wearing traditional costumes – light up the saites constructed by them selves, while dancing the “zeibekiko fire dance”.
Saint George
The horseraces at Platy
It is an important local custom that dates back to the late Byzantine years and takes place every year in the village’s hippodrome in order to commemorate Saint George, the protector of horsemen. The starting point is the Saint’s country church.
Saint George
End of May
The flower fair
It takes place at the end of May. Flowers, plants, equipment and other supplies are being showcased here. Parallel events are organized during the fair: learning activities, art and folklore happenings, scientific presentations, support and consultancy on urban farming issues.
International Dance Festival
An international event of great prestige (already more than two decades old) that takes place every July. Very important artists have made here their debut in Greece.
The festival is also an opportunity to showcase and promote Greek creators. Educational dance seminars, workshops and lectures for students and professionals are all an integral part of the festival.
End of August
Farm fair "Artos-Oinos-Elaion"
It takes place atthe end of August in the Municipal Railway Park. It isorganized by the Kalamata Municipality in order to present and promote top-quality agricultural and local products as well as folk culture.
Fests for promoting local products
Fests organized in Local Communities during the summer months: the Artichoke Fest (Mikromani), the Potato Fest (Alagonia), the Olive Oil Fest (Mikri Mantineia), the Wine Fest (Ladas) and the Rice Fest (Sperchogeia).
Last Saturday of August
White Night
It takes place on the last Saturday of August along with great sales offered by the shops, and plenty of cultural activities. A similar event called "Red Night" takes place after the end of the winter sales.
International Choir Festival
It is organized every two years by the Municipality of Kalamata and Interkultur. Many choirs from different countries of the world are participating, 'flooding' the city with young voices.
Bright celebrations that involve the lighting of christmas trees and boats, recreational cultural activities and charity events.